
Highlander Band

Highlander Band

The marching band consists of students from all three bands, Percussion Ensemble, Pipe Band, and Colorguard.  All participants, in addition to their individual class, take the 4th period Marching Band/Physical Education* class as well, in order to minimize after school rehearsal time. 

There is a long history of excellence within this performing group.  With this in mind, all students are able to participate in various aspects of The Highlander Band, but placements within the competing units, both field and parade, may be limited for instrumentation and visual purposes at the discretion of the Director.

All band classes perform at various events after school, including but not limited to a concert each quarter, festivals and on tours.  Time outside of class is required of anyone enrolled.  Students are expected to practice outside of class, and private lessons are highly encouraged.

*See section on Marching Band P.E. for credit details


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